Archival Association of Slovenia (AAS)


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Arhivsko društvo Slovenije
Zvezdarska 1, SI-1127 Ljubljana
Phone386 (0) 1 241 4278

The Archival Association of Slovenia (AAS) is a professional association of archivists and others interested in archival science. In its fifty years of operation the number of members has grown from around a dozen to more than 230 archivists who work in the archives in Ljubljana, Maribor, Ptuj, Celje, Koper, and Nova Gorica; in two Archiepiscopal archives in Ljubljana and Maribor; and in some libraries and museums. In 2002 AAS launched the Aškerc Award for outstanding achievements in archival science.

Archival Association of Slovenia 2009 Gathering Photo AAS Archive.jpg24th gathering of the Archival Association of Slovenia (AAS) in Dolenjske toplice, 14th-16th October 2009


The association was founded in 1954 to contribute to a more orderly and professional attitude toward archival science. Archival activity in Slovenia is of course significantly older than half a century, which is reflected in the fact that the Aškerc Award is granted for special merit. In order to draw attention to the importance of their profession, the association has concluded to commemorate those who have made high contributions to the field. Thus Jože Mlinarič, Marija Oblak-Čarni, Peter Ribnikar, Milica Trebše-Štolfa, and Jože Žontar became honorary members of the Archival Association of Slovenia (AAS).


The primary tasks of the Archival Association of Slovenia (AAS) are the professional training of staff members, co-operation with similar associations at home and abroad, and the organisation of professional seminars. AAS fosters the development of archival science and promotes the use of archival material for the needs of historiography and other sciences. The mission of the society is to encourage and promote archival activities and science, especially in the professional scientific research, sharing experiences and professional development in a broader sense; to unite people interested in archival activities; to develop protection methods and the awareness of the significance of archival and documentary material; and to encourage and promote the use of archival material for scientific and other purposes.

AAS has organised around 40 archival conventions and has issued a collection of scientific papers.

International cooperation

AAS is a Category B member of the International Council on Archives (ICA) and regularly takes part in its congresses, as well as in conventions organised by the archival associations of neighbouring countries. In 2008, in co-operation with the Croatian Archival Society (Hrvatsko arhivističko društvo), the AAS co-organised a roundtable on the topic of collaboration between Slovenia and Croatia in the field of archival science.


AAS prepares at least two one-day professional meetings every year, and a three-day professional meeting every two years. It organises professional excursions, seminars, and lectures to draw attention to contemporary problems in the field of archival science.


The most important serial publication is the journal Archives [Arhivi], published since 1978 in collaboration with the Archives of the Republic of Slovenia. The collection Sources, published since 1980, contains historical documents with commentaries and various historical themes.

AAS has also issued bulletins of meetings and several publications and textbooks, aimed at the general public. All publications of the association are sent to foreign archival institutions and associations.

See also

External links


Arhivsko društvo Slovenije +
Arhivsko društvo Slovenije +
SI-1127 Ljubljana +
Zvezdarska 1 +
The Archival Association of Slovenia (AAS) is a professional association of archivists and others interested in archival science. +
The Archival Association of Slovenia (AAS) is a professional association of archivists and others interested in archival science. +
+386 / 1 241 4278 +
Ljubljana +
SI-1127 +
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